The West Orange County Republican Women’s Federation (WOCRWF) held their monthly membership meeting. The WOCRWF meets monthly to celebrate Republican values and encourage participation in local politics.
Their program featured a presentation from WallBuilders, an organization dedicated to presenting America’s forgotten history and heroes, with an emphasis on the moral, religious, and constitutional foundation on which America was built. WallBuilders presents an uncensored view of American history and has been recognized from coast-to-coast for its work in education, history, law, and public policy. The presentation featured Timothy Barton who shared stories about several Americans from different backgrounds and their important role in the early years of America’s history. These individual stories debunk some of the misinformation of Project 1619 which was introduced by the New York Times. Laura Tanner facilitated this truthful historical presentation and encouraged the members to subscribe to learn more 1619 misrepresentations of US history.
Soo Yoo, a candidate running for CAGOP Vice President, shared her qualifications and desire to become part of California leadership. She is currently a member of the ABC Unified School District school board Trustee representing area 2. As a candidate for the State Assembly this past fall she learned first had the current pitfalls of our Republican candidate process. Even though her funds were very limited she was able to come close to beating an opponent who had several thousand dollars to campaign with from her party. Mrs. Yoo expressed her love for traditional American values and encouraged attendees to become part of the political process, make their voices heard and join the various Republican teams to bring back integrity to our voting process.
The WOC RWF is a proud sponsor of Youth America Foundation and holds a silent auction each month to raise funds for the group that teaches students American Values through the Constitution, Declaration of Independence and Bill of Rights.
The WOCRWF will host a costume contest at the Saturday, March 18 meeting. Featured guest speaker will be George Harbison on the history of socialism. A always themed and delicious buffet lunch will be served. For more information on how to attend the meeting, visit or email